This register information has been made according to the Personal Data Act (523/99). Registrar is Keli Clothing Oy and name of the register is Keli Clothing customer register. The personal information is collected and used for maintenance and management of the customer relationship and to enable payment in the webshop. If you have enquiries about privacy or our register information, please contact
What data do we collect?
When you register as a customer, we ask for your name, address and e-mail address. When you use our pages, the system will save some of your actions to a database. We collect information about your orders and order history, wish lists, product reviews and your feedback.
Information is collected from registered customers. Information will not be disclosed to any third parties outside the web service. Service provider may however give customer information for authorities within the limits and requirements of the existing legislation. If changes in the ownership of the company will occur, the information may be handed to the new owners.
The service is protected from outsiders and only authorized personnel is allowed to access the information. Every authorized person using the register has their own username and password. The users of the register are bound by personnel confidentiality. No paper copies of the information on the register will be stored.
The service uses social media plug-ins that allow the user to link information to different social media sites. We recommend the user to read also their privacy policy.
Our webshop uses cookies to enchance the quality of our service. Visiting the pages without cookies can affect the usability of the pages. Registration and adding products to the basket is enabled only with cookies. Webshop uses first-hand cookies to enable registration and shopping basket. In addition to this, third-party cookies like Google Analytics, can be used.